New Year’s Resolution Ideas

December 29, 2015
Office of Dr. Steven Fass


With the New Year approaching, people often take time to reflect over the past year. During this time of reflection, people tend to think about how they lived the previous year and how they want to change in order to become better in the year to come. Maybe you have just had weight loss surgery and you are wanting to make sure you keep the weight off in the New Year. If so, we would like to help you with your goal by giving you some ideas on how to become the best you possible in this season of change!

Below you will find a list of ideas from which you could choose a New Year’s Resolution. The key is to pick something that is applicable to your goals and something that you can maintain throughout the year.

  1. Drink 8 glasses of water each day.
  2. Don’t eat processed food.
  3. Take a 30 minute walk each day.
  4. Get at least 8 hours of sleep per night.
  5. Learn how to meal plan and plan out meals a week ahead of time.
  6. Switch to whole grain bread.
  7. Commit to avoiding fast food.
  8. Do push ups or sit ups during the commercials of your favorite show.
  9. Cut out soda and sugary drinks.
  10. Eat breakfast daily.

Often times, people set too high of standards for themselves with New Year’s resolutions and after January, realize the goals they set were unattainable. Don’t let this happen to you! There are some steps you can take to turn your resolution into a year long habit, and maybe it could even last for a lifetime. First, make your goal a family goal. With the support and encouragement of your family, you can hold each other accountable and become a healthier and happier family. This also allows for quality time spent together, which could be a resolution in and of itself. Next, allow yourself times to be rewarded. For example, after two weeks of drinking 8 glasses of water each day, buy yourself a new water bottle. Or after walking 30 minutes per day for a month, buy yourself a new pair of shoes. The reward doesn’t necessarily have to pertain to your goal, but make sure it isn’t something that will undo your hard work! Finally, be forgiving of yourself. It isn’t easy to change your habits overnight, but with hard work and determination, it can be done over time. If you get started with your resolution and realize it isn’t manageable, tweak your goals, but just make sure you don’t give up completely!

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