What Happens During Surgery?

November 26, 2015
Office of Dr. Steven Fass

what happens during weight loss surgery?

As your weight loss surgery date creeps closer and closer, it’s important to prepare yourself.  There’s nothing to be afraid of and nothing that will surprise you.  By now, you will have already spent two weeks on a low fat diet.  Remember to pick up your vitamins, have healthy food waiting at the house and be ready to lay low for a few days. (If you need healthy recipe ideas, check out our healthy diet posts.)

You may already know that you will be asleep throughout the duration of surgery.  The first thing that happens when you’re in the operating room is the anesthesia.  Remember to relax and take a deep breath.  Once you’re out, Dr. Fass will begin the sleeve gastrectomy surgery.  This involves making tiny incisions in the abdomen that are about 5mm. The biggest incision will be about 1cm.

Next, Dr. Fass will free up the blood supply to the part of your stomach that is to be removed.  This prepares for the final step: removal.  A stapler is used to divide the stomach and create the new, smaller portion. The rest of the stomach is removed and the surgery is complete.

Once the anesthesia has worn off, you are free to leave with your family.  While resting is necessary for recovery, you won’t be on bedrest.  You’ll be up and walking the day after surgery and ready to head back to work within a week.  While you’re resting, be sure to download a few of our favorite recipes from our healthy lifestyle posts. They’re hearty and healthy and we’re sure you’re whole family will love them!  Do a little research and find the best exercise regimen or running plan because you’ll want to start working out as soon as you’re allowed, which is usually sometime between one and two weeks after surgery.

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